It’s estimated that about 5% of corn and soybean fields were lost causing about $300 million in crop value lost in 2015’s floods. Are some of your fields a part of this? Unfortunately it’s too late to plant a cash crop for 2015 but Cover crops are a great way to protect your soil and even add nutrients for the 2016 season. Need help deciding what to plant to help your soil? Here is a great link that will go over all the details of each kind of cover crop.
Just a reminder that we are offering grants for Prevented Planting Cover Crops in St. Joseph County (IN). Contact our office for an application. Deadline is August 7, 2015. www.stjosephswcd.org, (574) 936-2024 ext. 4, info@stjosephswcd.org, or come into our office at 2903 Gary Drive,
Plymouth, IN 46563.