The Whitley County Soil and Water Conservation District and Whitley County Farm Bureau, Inc. is hosting a Certified Livestock Producers training on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at the Farm Bureau Office at 607 N Opportunity Drive in Columbia City, Indiana. The program will begin at 10:00 am and will end at 3:00 pm and lunch is provided. For more information and application forms contact Nadean Lamle at the Whitley County Soil and Water Conservation District’s office at 260-244-6266 ext. 101 or or Kimmi Devaney at or 317-450-3570 no later than Tuesday, December 6, 2016.
To complete their certification, producers will develop a bio-security plan with their veterinarian, create an emergency plan and meet with their local fire department and complete self-assessments in various areas.
Certified livestock producers receive a variety of discounts from program sponsors, including Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, MWI Veterinary Supply, Townsends Sales Livestock Equipment, Cherry Brother Design Farm Source Systems (Farm emergency plans) and Cowco Inc.
The program recognizes outstanding livestock producers that go above and beyond in their farm management practices. Consumers are becoming more interested in learning how their food is produced and they want to know that farmers care about their animals, the environment and about producing wholesome safe food for consumers. This is an opportunity for all Hoosiers working within the livestock industry.
Indiana is one of only a handful of states to have a voluntary program that recognizes farmer for their commitment to innovative and top industry standards. Since the program’s launch, 100 Hoosier farmers have earned the certification and more than 30 are currently in the process.