Financial Incentives
Background photo from Prevented Planting Cover Crop Cost Share Program fall 2015
St Joseph County SWCD Financial Assistance
The St. Joseph County SWCD offers conservation cost share. These cost share opportunities can be obtained by contacting our County Conservationist Sarah Longenecker at 574-936-2024 Ext. 4 or by e-mail here. Some projects the district has helped with:
2015 Prevented Planting Cover Crop Cost Share. (Background photo is from this project.) We were able to assist producers land that was flooded and unable to plant crops in the spring/summer of 2015. By planting a cover crop, this protected the soil from further damage from being exposed to the elements.
2016 we helped with a Pollinator Habitat planting. (pictured on the top right ---->) We hope that this native forb (wildflower) planting will not only benefit our hardworking pollinators but will encourage others to plant native forbs as well! Pesticide use and lack of habitat have led to a decline in pollinator population. Getting Monarch and pollinator habitat established is a priority practice that benefits us all!
2016 approximately 125’ of livestock pipeline within a rotational grazing system was installed. (photo on the middle right ---->) While 125’ doesn’t seem like a lot, this length was just the beginning run of pipeline to be installed to facilitate a rotational grazing plan to keep the soil, forage, and cattle healthy.
2016-2023 with the help of Clean Water Indiana Grants (CWI) we have had a cost share program which put over 1,420 acres of cover crops, 460 acres of no-till and 6 acres of pollinator habitat in St. Joseph County. We also installed 9 demonstration and 3 residential raingardens. (photos on the bottom right --->)

Success stories
Financial Incentives: Federal Financial Assistance
A variety of federal assistance programs are available through United States Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for landowners in St. Joseph County, Indiana.
Is There Conservation Funding Available for YOU?
Are you interested in any of the practices listed below? If so, there’s a chance we have a program or financial assistance to help cover the cost for getting started, or in some cases we can help improve and/or expand the practices you are already doing. Programs are just one tool that the NRCS and the Soil & Water Conservation District can offer. You can also receive technical assistance, including whole-farm conservation planning. Technical assistance does not have to be tied to a program.
Some Conservation Practices We Can Help You With Are...
Cover Crops
Critical Area Planting
Crop Residue Management
Crop Rotation
Diversion Embankment for Water Run-Off
Field Border
Filter Strip
Grade Control Structure
Grassed Waterway
Heavy Use Areas
Irrigation and Water Management
Manure Testing
Manure Storage
Nutrient Management
… and MORE !
Contact us for further information regarding program eligibility and requirements.
Organic Farming Transition
Pasture Planting
Pest Management
Planned Grazing Systems
Residue & Tillage Management
Stream Protection
Tree Planting
Water and Sediment Control Basin
Well Protection
Wetland Enhancement
Wildlife Food Plot
Wildlife Upland Habitat
Woodland Management