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Dormant Seeding


Pasture and Hayland Planting Information sheet including dormant seeding.

USDA NRCS (OH) Dormant Seeding May Be Your Best Bet

Traditionally in Ohio, warm and cool season grasses are seeded in early spring through May when soil temperatures and conditions allow.  Dormant seedings, on the other hand, are done from December 1 to March 14 for cool season grasses and from November 1 to March 14 for warm season species.  When the soil temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or cooler, the seeds will remain dormant and not germinate until the soil warms up again in the spring.

Prepared by Tina Orom, Ag-Info Centre, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

Late Fall or Dormant Seeding Frequently Asked Questions


Native Forb Information Sheet which includes establishing native forbs using dormant seeding.

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