As we develop our land and increase the amount of paved surfaces and buildings, the water cycle changes.

With more impervious surfaces, less rainfall and snowmelt seeps into the ground and more water flows over the land into our waterways. This stormwater runoff can lead to increased flooding, erosion, and pollution, and decreased groundwater recharge.
Did you know stormwater picks up pollutants as it runs across our roofs and yards, driveways and roads, as it heads toward the stormwater drains? Did you know that the water that flows into the drains is not treated, but instead flows right into our rivers, streams, and lakes? Unmanaged stormwater is recognized nationally as a leading cause of water pollution today.
Did you know...
Currently stormwater runoff is not treated before entering our rivers and streams. We must do our part to prevent pollution from entering our waterways and protect aquatic life.
Simple activities that can be done to prevent stormwater runoff pollution are:
Never dump anything down storm drains.
Use lawn fertilizers sparingly.
Direct downspouts away from paved surfaces.
Consider a rain garden to capture runoff.
Pick up pet waste.
Compost your yard waste.
Check cars for leaks.
Wash your car at a car wash or in your lawn.
Have your septic tank pumped and inspected regularly.