Since the very early days, the Natural Resources Conservation Service has been committed to protecting and conserving our natural resources. To successfully meet that commitment, the NRCS provides “Conservation Technical Assistance”, which represents NRCS’s foundation and main tool for developing conservation plans and implementing high quality scientific supported practices to address natural resource concerns. This service aims to assist landowners, farmers, communities, state & local governments, entities, tribal governments & others, to explore what natural resource concerns they have on their respective land and develop alternatives to resolve them. The conservation technical assistance helps with:
Assessment, evaluation and monitoring of natural resources
Conservation practice development and implementation
Exploring different effective conservation alternatives and sustainable agricultural operations
Maintain and/or enhance aesthetic features of private/public land
Protect water, air and soil quality
Maintain and/or enhance wildlife habitat
All landowners, managers and others are eligible to receive technical assistance from NRCS and does not require to be enrolled in any financial assistance program the USDA offers. However, this service may serve as a step towards financial assistance and easement conservation programs provided by the USDA if interested.
To receive technical assistance, please contact your local NRCS office or local soil and water conservation district who will gladly provide you with the information you need to reach your goals towards resource conservation. St. Joseph NRCS & SWCD can be reached at 574-936-2024 Ext. 4.