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58th Annual Meeting

Plans are underway for the 58th Annual Meeting. Mark your calendars and plan to join us for a night of great food where you can enjoy a family style Polish dinner, awards, board supervisor election, and our very popular silent auction.

This is also a great night to see what your local Soil and Water Conservation District is doing to improve soil health and water quality right here in St. Joseph County. You can also talk to members of the St Joseph County community who serve on the board of supervisors.

Where: St. Hedwig Memorial Center (331 S Scott St., South Bend, IN 46601)

When: January 26, 2018.

Time: Doors open at 5:45 pm and the call to order is at 6:30 pm.

Cost: Tickets are $15 each.

Entertainment: Larry Wirtz

Larry draws upon his 33 years of performing experience to bring a rare sense of perspective and conviction to his presentations. He delivers an eye-opening, jaw-dropping program that is genuine, dignified, funny and entertaining.

Contact the office for more details or to order your tickets!

Each item being auctioned will be displayed along with the name of the donating individual, business, or organization. You may provide a business card to attach to each item if you wish. We ask that each auction item have a retail value of at least $10.

Item(s) Submission Deadline: 1/19/2018

If you have questions about the Silent Auction or would like more information, call the St. Joseph County SWCD Office Staff at 574.936.2024 x4.

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