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Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) Announces New Executive Direc


Indianapolis, IN. The Board of Directors of the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Schmees as the organization's Executive Director beginning mid-May. IASWCD is a non-profit that works on a state level to address natural resource concerns throughout the state. The IASWCD supports the locally-driven conservation efforts of its 92 Indiana Soil and Water Conservation District members. Schmees succeeds Executive Director Jennifer Boyle Warner who served the association for the past 11 ½ years.

"This is a great time for Joe to join and lead the association. IASWCD is in a good position moving forward and I believe he can take us to the next level. His leadership experience, familiarity with current partners, as well as his desire to take on a challenge will be an asset to IASWCD as we continue on," states Jamie Scott, Board President, IASWCD.

Joe brings to the position years of experience in leadership roles within and outside of his profession. He has worked in the environmental water resources field for 11 years and has worked alongside many Indiana Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) implementing conservation. He has completed training with Purdue University's Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy and currently holds offices with both the Indiana Water Resources Association and the Indiana Lakes Management Society.

"I am excited for the opportunity to work with the IASWCD Board to advance the mission of the Association and the member Districts to conserve Indiana's natural resources. Having worked with the Indiana Conservation Partnership and Districts in my past position I am aware of the great work they can accomplish. I feel honored to become more involved in that work through my new role as Executive Director," says Schmees. "My experience in watershed planning and implementation, personnel and grant management, as well as my service on two small nonprofit Executive Boards, will transfer well into this position."

Joe holds a BA and BS from Wittenberg University and a Professional Certificate in Watershed Management from Purdue University. He will begin his new role at the association on May 14.

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